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Gemeente Venray

the journey towards a sustainable future


Climate change has an impact on all our lives. Yes, we get nice warm summers. Sounds great. But it also creates extreme weather and droughts. Something we do not want and something we must fight. This transformation we are going through means that things will change. The municipality of Venray wanted to involve her civilians in what this meant for them. Because while it being a global challenge, the people of Venray can play their own part in the solution. 

The Municipality of Venray values openness and transparency and wanted to create videos that send this message. How do we make sure that these videos encourage people to create a change, instead of feeling criticized? This raises various challenges. Time to take a deep dive into these questions. 



The information that we wanted to convey to the target audience had to resonate. We had to empathise with them. That is why we created a video with some comic relief. Videos with humour that show what damage climate change can do, with enough humour to make it more relatable. 

frame by frame

The result is three animated videos that can be spread multi-channel. We use frame-by-frame animations that fit the humoristic message that we wanted to convey. It creates a cartoonish effect that we and the client liked. The voice-over explains all the dangers of climate change in a calm way. This opens up the video for the viewer to really soak up all the information. 

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