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Woningcorporatie De Alliantie

employee branding in dutch housing corporation


Housing corporation ‘De Alliantie’ is one of the biggest in the industry in The Netherlands. A large organisation with lots of real estate needs a skilled team. Every member of a corporation like that is of great value. But finding representatives in this tight labour market can be a challenge, also for De Alliantie. New colleagues that suit the job can be hard to find and to make people excited in these times, a simple vacancy in text is just not enough. Moving images and a heartfelt story gives it some soul. That was our starting point: to engage with new talent in a warm way. 

In this specific case we had to serve two target groups: new employees and the existing ones. The latter one turned out to be pretty relevant, because employees that feel connected with the organisation are more likely to stay. They must feel a sense of pride in their work, so a brand movie that told the story of De Alliantie and showcased how important their work is, was the right solution to our client’s problem. Why do they do what they do and what feeling does their work evoke? And above all, what kind of clients does De Alliantie have? Those were matters that we used as input for a brand movie. 

Then the other target group: potentially new employees

We were keen on telling the stories of other colleagues. We think they are the ones that can sell the organisation as an employer the best. After all, they work there. Day in day out. We asked them to tell what a normal day in their life looks like, from morning to evening, in a realistic way as if you are right there with them. While being nervous, they did an amazing job in telling their story. We turned this into a series of 15 videos that let you experience what it’s like to work at De Alliantie. 

Beautiful! It looks fantastic. 

Aike De Jong, Internal Communication

By shooting a full day per vacancy we create several videos that were then distributed on multiple channels. We create versions for socials, website and other platforms. We also delivered several paid advertisement videos that can be implemented via a/b testing to check whether one video works better than the other. Overall, the videos create a sense of pride among colleagues, making them feel engaged in the organization. It also led to an increase in job applications. 

“It really turned into an awesome video, very happy with the results. Also, the diverse b-roll shots came through. It fits the story, and it turned out different as opposed to other videos.” 

Larissa Pieplenbosch, Digital Marketer
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